Artworks that have been listed for auction will contain the auctionMetadata
field. Please see the comments below for additional information on each field within.
"auctionMetadata": {
// Total number of bids the auction has received
"bidCount": 11,
// Unique bidding wallets that have placed a bid
"bidders": [
// A scheduled start time. Will not be returned if auction is not scheduled.
"startsAt": "2024-01-23T17:54:39.000Z",
// When the auction will end. Will not be returned if the auction has not started and is not scheduled to start.
"endsAt": "2024-01-24T00:17:25.000Z",
// The minimum increment basis points for the next bid
"minBidIncrementBps": 500,
// The minimum bid
"reservePrice": 690000000,
// The current highest bidder. Will not be returned if there are no bids.
"currentBidder": "Aq973kPmkk3atDBVKLvicfQmB5b4HEGHpM68iA5Rinnh",
// The current highest bid.
"currentBidAmount": 1500000000,
// The mint address of the token used for bidding
"bidMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
// Address of on-chain auction state
"auctionAccount": "7RV5JrHKsrqXRpJd7bJniZp85GRd8i76p6N3iMgYjpcg",
// true for DRiP Ultimates only
"burnOnComplete": true
Last updated